Green Growth and Sustainable Development (GGSD) Forum

Location :
Paris, France

Policy coherence between spatial and land-use planning and environment policy is an area of increasing focus for governments. Many land-use and spatial planning interventions fail to properly account for environmental consequences, such as those related to urban sprawl, transport systems and flood-zone development.

This Forum addresses “Urban green growth, land use and spatial planning”. It examines environment and economic implications of different land use and spatial planning policies and explores how innovative approaches to land-use regulation and environmental policy instruments could complement and impact on traditional land-use planning and current approaches to green growth at the national and sub-national levels. Spatially conflicting uses cut across policies as various as coastal management, housing, agriculture, infrastructure, transport, energy and access to social services.

The Forum is supported by two commissioned Issues Papers, one on land use and green growth and another on spatial planning policies for resilience to environmental hazards.  The Forum also draws on work of the Regional Development Policy Committee (RDPC) and its Working Parties on Urban and Rural Policy, Environment Policy Committee (EPOC) and its Working Party on Integrating Environmental and Economic Policies (WPIEEP), Committee on Fiscal Affairs and its Joint Meeting of Tax and Environment Experts (JMTEE), Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and its Network on Environment and Development Co-operation (ENVIRONET). In particular the Forum benefits from projects under these OECD Committees from 2015-2016 on: the effectiveness of land-use and spatial-planning instruments in achieving environmental and economic objectives; the effects of environmentally related taxes on land use and environmental outcomes; development of an analytical framework for assessing policies for green growth in fast-growing cities in Asia; and policies to improve urban air quality.

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Day 1

  • Opening Session with the OECD Secretary-General and other keynote speakers
  • Session 1: Do existing land use policies support green growth?

Day 2

  • Session 2: Urban sprawl: A remaining challenge
  • Session 3: How do cities meet “green growth challenges”? Innovative policies

Parallel Sessions

  • A:  Resilient infrastructure: Innovative approaches (organised with World Bank)
  • B:  Tracking progress on urban green growth & Sustainable Development Goals: Data, information and indicators
  • C:  Towards win-win solutions for “inclusive” and “green” cities (organised with the OECD Inclusive Growth in Cities Initiative)
  • D:  The Impact of tax policies on land use outcomes